Ningbo international wire and cable equipment and materials industry is coming, this year (2015) is the second Ningbo international wire and cable chamber of Commerce, compared with last year, this year, there are more exhibitors and procurement units, many of which are in line with business, foreign countries also have part of the exhibitors and procurement units, so this is an international exhibition.
the main purpose of the exhibition is to strengthen the exchange and understanding of the entire industry, not only between the business and the purchasing unit, but also between buyers and buyers, sellers and sellers of communication, which is a mutual exchange between the two sides! At the same time, the exhibition on display products, can make the purchase unit carefully observe the product quality and easy to compare, choose the product that suits oneself need, because most of the business in the industry is here, including more manufacturers, not through the middle of a road agent layer upon layer increases, so the price is relatively favorable and transparent. So, the opening of the exhibition is a lot of benefits!
2015 ( )
Ningbo electrical and Electronics Industry Association (
Jiangsu Cable Industry Association (
, Anhui power cable industry association, cable industry association, cable and cable industry: cable and cable industry association: Cable Industry Association: cable and cable industry association: cable and cable industry association: cable and cable industry association: cable and cable industry association.
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【支持单位】 宁波市工商业联合会、宁波市经济和信息化委员会
3、展览期间多场研讨会/论坛可凭 Exhibitors free admission, and a beautiful gift;
4, professional audience in advance registration, can enjoy free hotel check-in service, and have a nice gift.
1. 电线电缆
2. 电子线材
3. 电线电缆设备
线材制造及精加工机械,包括线缆处理设备、成缆机、绞线机、纳米成型机、塑料挤出机、押出机、镀锡机、粉碎机、造粒机、缠绕机、自动填料机、注条机、拉丝机、冷水机、干燥机、收线机、彩虹排线 Machine, wire processing equipment, printing equipment, cable rack, ring rolling machine, copper plating machine, conveyor, cable conductor, copper powder processing equipment, filter, single line machine, winch wire, cable bridge frame packaging equipment;
copper, aluminum wire and cable materials, plastic, rubber, packaging film, tin line, PVC cable material, metal and plastic waste, composite belt, nylon wire cable reel, polyester belt, copper clad aluminum, copper clad aluminum wire, US cable insulation material, polyethylene cable material, stranded wire, filling rope, PVC resin, synthetic rubber, bare copper wire, copper clad steel wire and other products;
5. cable accessories
cable accessories, heat shrinkable cable accessories, cable accessories, pre branch of high voltage cable accessories, cold pressed joint, insulators, composite insulators, cable accessories, anti-theft device fixed circuit, high voltage circuit breaker, arrester, box, power protection
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