in our country currently used in 10kV XLPE cable for the three core cable, in cable and cable branch box connection construction, hdkf foundation height and installation length need phase according to, strip the cable outer sheath and in accordance with the standard method making covert branch.
1.10KV three core cable in the construction should ensure that the distance of the cable terminal is greater than 1.2m. If the cable type and T type cable connector installation phase distance is small, from hdkf outlet casing to three core cable after separation length less than 1.2m, the two sides phase cable of T type joint should be at the lower part of the stress cone are often in a cable bending part, will directly affect the joint should stress cone and the cable body contact. It is here that T type cable connector and cable assembly is the most key part. So in the construction, be sure to set aside an appropriate distance
2. cable phase processing, the three-phase cable respectively and cable branch box casing port terminal alignment and mesophase cable should be sawn, ensure three-phase cable length, flush, prevent for too long or too short cable produced larger push or pull, cause fixed T type cable connector and cable or cable type bushing bad contact, avoid hdkf bushing for stress resulting in leakage. Don't
3. according to the traditional three core cable phase construction method of the three-phase cable semi conductive layer and the copper shield layer trim. Because the cable semi conductive layer should be in contact with the semiconductor layer of the T cable connector, the cable surface of the cable between the semiconductor layer and the T type cable connector will generate an inductive potential difference. The length of cable parts due to ground wire discharge, thermal insulation failure and even burn burn catheter.
4. cable branch box based must install cable fixing bracket, the three core cable points along the following in bracket is fixed, at the same time, we should take measures to ensure the trigeminal head just below the wiring column, to ensure that does not occur type cables and accessories by pull-down force, which can effectively avoid hdkf bushing for stress leads to the gas leakage occurred.
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