heat shrinkable cable accessories and metal parts contact sealing parts (such as the lead pack, terminal) to careful playing hair and with a cleaning agent to clean. In the cable end position, should avoid the wrong line core, so as not to affect the sealing effect. In the construction process, the damage of the cable sheath and insulation is strictly prohibited. Heat shrinkable middle connector without complete cooling, no moving cable. The above is heat shrinkable cable accessories product installation conditions and installation requirements.
heat shrinkable cable accessories has the advantages of small volume, light weight, convenient carrying, convenient installation. Heat shrinkable cable accessories in the installation process, the environment temperature should be above 0 degrees, relative humidity below 70%. To avoid condensation on the surface insulation damp, the ambient temperature is low, should take remedial measures when humidity is too big. Pay attention not to cut the heat shrink tube. The construction cannot be found in rainy and foggy weather, cable, water damp, should take remedial measures.
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