and contraction Construction:
A cold shrink cable accessories to reduce many man-made factors, in the construction, shrink as long as they draw off inside the plastic core wire can automatically shrink,
contraction of process in not because of the human factor in the resulted in insulating tube contraction are not uniform phenomenon. So as to ensure the quality of construction.
B shrinkage shrinkage is in accordance with the procedures from one end to the other end of the contraction, this procedure can not be changed, to ensure that the contraction will not appear in the bubble
C hazardous situations in petrochemical industry. The construction and avoid the use of heat and become safe. Construction of
heat: heat shrinkable
A by construction level of impact is relatively large, uneven heating will cause insulation pipe contraction of uneven thickness, and even some of the fundamental
did not shrink, led to the contraction of uneven thickness, thin place is easy to appear the breakdown.
B in a thermal shrinkage in the heating process, easy because the degree of heating grasps not good lead to charred insulation pipe occurs, greatly influence the the insulation performance of the vast
margin of tube. The heat
C in the heating process, from one end to the other end of the heating, can also from the middle to both ends of the heating. This can easily lead to a contraction
in the process of bubbles.
D is a ban on the use of fire and other heat sources, such as petrochemical, chemical and other industries, if used to increase the risk, may lead to serious accidents.
in use in the process of
1) and contraction cable accessories will with cable of heat expansion and cold contraction cable and keep synchronous respiration, cables and accessories and always maintain good knot
2 heat shrinkable cable accessories will not with the cable of the heat expansion and cold and the corresponding changes in long time operation easily lead to cable and accessories creates a gap between the
led to the accident occurred. The quality of the
1 contraction inherent advantages the cold shrink cable accessories used continuous developing towards high voltage, currently has 110kV cold shrink cable accessories.
2) heat shrinkable cable accessories inherent shortcomings of the heat shrinkable cable accessories for a long time hovering below 35kV voltage level, in 35kV Power
pressure level, heat shrinkable cable accessories have into the important reason for cable operation accidents often occur.
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